Monday, September 14, 2009

Carrot Cake

This is the only cake I've attempted to date. It was another attempt at impressing the ex.

Carrot Cake
Originally uploaded by rbsb1999
Since my take on Asian food wasn't sending the message that I'm awesomer than his new girl I switched track to try to appeal to ex's American identity. We were both fans of Alton Brown's Good Eats and the carrot cake episode was on the night before. Ex always laughed that I only watched and never put any of the lessons to use. If only he saw me following through surely he would take me seriously.

Well at least the cake came out good.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Avocado Shake

Originally uploaded by rbsb1999
This was the same weekend as the guava sorbet. That was the weekend I cooked up a storm of Asian influenced recipes. I was hoping the good looking food would win the ex back. He was not impressed. His new love interest, fresh from Taiwan, has been drinking avocado shakes her whole life and he adored her for that but still preferred his avocado the all American way, savory rather than sweet. My feeling about his adoration of her was the same color as the avocado fruit.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Guava Sorbet

Guava Sorbet
Originally uploaded by rbsb1999

Some guava popped up at the gourmet market near home. I had been wanting to make sorbet all summer long. Technicaly summer was over but the guava presented a perfect opportunity I couldn't resist. It would taste just like summer.

I called up the ex very excited about my find. He excitedly told me about the girl who just asked him out. The warmth of summer seeped out of my plans.