Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Food & Wine

Food & Wine
Originally uploaded by rbsb1999
One of the fringe benefits of working for a newpaper is that we get tons of reading material in the mail; much of it goes completely unclaimed. So it was that I got a perfectly good Food & Wine Magazine a couple of months ago. This dinner was a 30 minute deal that was part of a series, I haven't gotten around to trying the other two dinner ideas.
This was the first time I've cooked chicken, and my mother was impressed that I was finaly handling raw meat (a previous no go zone for me). The green beans were easy enough, just some carmelized garlic and ginger to dress them up a bit. The potatoes were a straight affair of cutting and frying. Final touch that wasn't part of the original recipe was that bottle of Bull Dog Katsu Sauce which went very well. Perfect weeknight dinner for my little family.